UN-Habitat Publishes Policy Guide to Rental Housing in Developing Countries

Date Published 5/10/2011
Theme Housing Finance Policy

UN-Habitat has launched an important study on rental housing, Policy Guide to Rental Housing in Developing Countries.

The report emphasizes the importance of rental housing, as part of any comprehensive urban strategy. It discusses the many different types of rental housing. The guidelines for policy makers emphasize the importance of tenure neutrality in the tax and subsidy systems; the need to avoid or reform rent controls; the frequent requirement for some form of rent supplement or rental voucher, even though expensive; different types of support for landlords who cater to the low income tenant; the facilitation of upgrading and improvement of existing low quality rental housing; measures to provide some security of rental tenure and promote clear legal rights for both tenant and landlords ,and the need for international development agencies to promote rental housing.The rental guidelinesare however very general in nature and focused on rental housing for the lowest income groups upgrading. Lacking is a serious discussion on the difficulties to finance formal rental housing.

> Download the Policy Guide

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